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HomeEventsLower Mary's River Class 1+

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Lower Mary's River Class 1+

About this event

About 5.5 miles of the Mary's River near Avery Park to its confluence with the Willamette River. No one paddles this section due to a lack of access. I scouted and found a public spot to get on the river near Country Club Hill. Expect wood. At the present low flow wood is manageable. You will need a maneuverable boat and should have cold weather attire. Launch is steep & primitive. There was a spot in the river bank where a mud spout from the Cascadia Subduction is exposed, you can only see this feature from the river even though there is a frequently travel path above. A quirky fun little paddle. Register on this website for a Friday evening Email with details about the Shuttle, Launch and Takeout.

Date and Time

Saturday, April 20, 2024, 10:00 AM until 3:00 PM Pacific Time (US & Canada) (UTC-08:00)


Benton County OR in proximity of Corvallis OR


Event Contact(s)

Paul Radke


Club Trip

Registration Info

Registration is required

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